Friday, August 4, 2017

WI's dairy lobby fights new manure control rules

The dairy industry lobby which represents the some of the largest Wisconsin cattle-feeding operations known as CAFOs says 'no' and 'litigate' to a modest Wisconsin DNR effort to keep the drinking water clean: 
The lawsuit filed in Brown County Circuit Court by the Dairy Business Association, of Green Bay, centers on how the DNR implements new regulations as some dairy farms now have thousands of cows in confined animal feeding operations, known as CAFOs.
A setback for people in Kewaukee County, who have seen too much of this: 


  1. I would guess the Farm Bureau will join in this suit.

  2. Both DATCP and NRCS helped write the revised rules so the farmers had plenty of input. Dairy Business had representation when this bill was being revised. And they will have an opportunity to comment on the draft rules. Why the rush to litigate? Could it be that their law firm, Michael Best, needs new office carpeting? CAFOs owners should consider whether or not their money is being used to boost the bottom line of one of the biggest law firms in Wisconsin.
