Tuesday, August 8, 2017

Foxconn on Wi Nat. Resources Bd. Wed. agenda, Milwaukee

I don't know what DNR Secretary Cathy Stepp will be telling the agency's oversight body - - the Wisconsin Natural Resources Board - - when it meets tomorrow, Wednesday, at 8:30 a.m, at the Hilton Hotel in Downtown Milwaukee.

Here's your required reading.

The Wednesday session is a regularly-scheduled public meeting, though speakers' registration closed Friday - - and note the item "Foxconn Report" has been added to the agenda as item A. 2. b.

  1. Department Secretary's Matters - Informational
    1. Acts of the Department Secretary - Real Estate Transactions
    2. Department Secretary's Matters 
      1. Good Neighbor Authority (GNA) ADDED
      2. Foxconn Report ADDED

1 comment:

  1. Will Stepp even be there? She has missed that last two NRB meetings.
