Thursday, July 6, 2017

Paul "Prudie" Ryan is always tackling the big issues

[Updated 7/7/17 from 7/6/17 - - The  source for this post, Raw Story, updated its item by noting that Ryan is enforcing a ban on sleeveless dresses and open-toed shoes, but the policy, previously enforced irregularly, predates Ryan's speakership.] 

Health care? North Korea? Russian hacking the 2016 election?

Heck no: The focus is on women's attire, and GOP House Speaker and 19th century morals enforcer Paul Ryan through his vast powers

Paul Ryan's official Speaker photo. In the background is the American Flag.
has banned sleeveless dresses from his taxpayer-paid domain just as the mercury soars in DC's swampy heat. For real:
According to CBS News, multiple female journalists have reported that they’ve been turned away from the speaker’s lobby due to their bare shoulders — a policy not shared by either the Senate or the White House.
Oh, you wily lady reporters - - dressing only to distract Ryan from all his Alpha male serious budget work and energy-sapping number crunching - - with your shoulders and arms visible for the men to see. Just stop it!


  1. So does this mean Paul is going to stop appearing on Fox News, with their lady reporters seemingly required to show acres of skin and five inch heels?
    Seriously, though, I watch a lot of sports programming and seeing the women dressed in skimpy dresses and ridiculous heels, standing next to men in professional-looking clothing irritates me no end. Cover yourself up because you're distracting the men runs headlong into show some skin because that brings in the men. Can't win.

  2. What if they show a little ankle (shudder!)?

  3. Pence influence. Ryan is planning ahead.

  4. That dress code pre-dates Ryan, though it makes a good story.
