Thursday, July 20, 2017

Facing one massive pollution 'plume,' MI invites WI to another

I pass along this jaw-dropping story about how Michigan is failing to stay ahead of a massive, accelerating and toxic pollution plume by noting that the Michigan is foolishly and audaciously considering putting all the pieces in place for Plume 2.0 alongside a river at its UP border with Wisconsin.
The project, called the Back Forty Mine, would be an open pit mine for gold, zinc and sulfide, across the border from Marinette. 
I've posted before about the FUBAR-for-sure mine plan, and the basic question is:

Has Michigan learned nothing from the mess it created in Flint?

Proposed mine site along the Menominee River. (Credit: Brian Bienkowski)


  1. We'll never defeat republicans in Wisconsin, Michigan, or anyplace else in the U.S., including national politics; until we let GOP finish the economic and ecological terrorism it stands for.

    Yeah, I know it sounds harsh -- but these folk vote republican. They are getting what they voted for, just like the coal miners that Markos Moulitsas spoke of after November 2016. As a long-time Daily Kos member and one of the most popular posters, I stand by Marcos, but without all the F-bombs he uses:

    "Be happy" for those communities that are reaping what they and their neighbors sow at the polls.

  2. That's a SULFIDE mine, with a pit measuring 2500 feet by 2000 feet and 750 feet deep, dug 150 feet from the Menominee River! Seriously. Can't imagine what might go wrong with THAT.
