Wednesday, March 22, 2017

Rays of Sunshine Week didn't light up WI Supreme Court

The Wisconsin Supreme Court, having already sacrificed its reputation to conflicted, right-wing campaign financing, recently issued a ruling in a 3-3 tie - - but kept the individual Justices' votes secret.

Which Justices voted for which party?

Tut, tut, Bucky, mere citizen with no need to know. 

Too bad the ruling didn't come a few days earlier during Sunshine Week, when media highlight government secrecy.

Regardless, On, Downward, Wisconsin:
Justice Shirley Abrahamson wrote a brief concurring opinion to note that it was the first time since 1979 that the court did not divulge where each justice stood in the tie. 


  1. We need to get impatient with Patience.

    1. We don't have to settle with only removing Gableman in 2018. Especially with SCOTUS recently saying that the WMC 4's theory on "free speech" in John Doe was utter bunk.

      Just sayin' #recall
