Saturday, February 11, 2017

WI business failures exceed business starts

Ugly business closing data undermine right-wing GOP WI Gov. and failed jobs-creator Scott Walker's talking point/billboard boast that Wisconsin is "Open for Business."
The number of Wisconsin businesses that close is higher than the number of new firms, according to a new analysis of Census data.  
The study released this week by the Washington-based Economic Innovation Group analyzed U.S. Census figures on "business dynamism," a figure which compares the number of new businesses to the number that close. 
It found Wisconsin was "underwater" for business dynamism from 2010 to 2014, the first five years of the economic recovery.
And despite Walker setting up and chairing the monumentally-scandalized-and-flawed-and-ineffective Wisconsin Economic Development Corporation - - a move that was supposed to cement his Presidential bid with great job-producing numbers before he bailed on that national campaign and his fumbled WEDC chairmanship - - Wisconsin was 48th in business startups through the first four years of Walker's tenure, mocking those Walker billboards.
And it's plain crazy that while the data show that Madison area was just one of two statewide that showed business startups exceeding closures, Walker persists in hammering Madison for purely partisan advantage with budget pressures and other anti-urban and higher education policies.

So resist the spin, such as the cherry-picked numbers in Walker's 2017 budget address.

And time for media to force Walker to stop the lying.


  1. Well, I think we all know what the problem is: the real "Open for Business" sign is much, much smaller (and harder to read) than the demonstration "Open for Business" sign in the picture. If only Governor Idiot had sprung for a bigger sign we'd all be back on the road to prosperity, 250,000 new jobs that were worth a bucket of warm spit and repaired roads by this time. Instead out most productive cows are heading off in a herd to greener pastures. All for want of 200 square inches!

  2. Well MadCityVoter, I guess size does matter.
