Tuesday, February 14, 2017

Save the DNR magazine. Subscribe now.

If you are angry that Scott Walker's war on science, information and public service now extends to his unsupportable and politically-inspired proposed wipe out of the DNR's popular, low-cost and completely-subscriber supported Wisconsin Natural Resources magazine - - 
Wisconsin Natural Resources magazine cover photo
 - - then subscribe NOW.

We need media stories about a flood of new subscribers.

People and editorial boards turned around Walker's attacks on the Open Records law and the US System's search-for-truth Wisconsin Idea mission statement. 

Send Walker the same message, again: Wisconsin should support and facilitate the free flow of public information, not delete and now budgetarily wipe it out.

Save this magazine. C'mon, environmentalists, organizations and First Amendment honorees - - Subscribe, now, here.


  1. Thanks for the heads up--I just subscribed for THREE YEARS. Also shared on Facebook.

  2. Thank you for doing and sharing that.

  3. 2 year sub :) .. Thank you for your subscription to Wisconsin Natural Resources!
    Your first issue of Wisconsin Natural Resources magazine will be mailed in 4 to 6 weeks to:

  4. I send annual gift subscriptions to about 10 homes, both those resident in Wisconsin and some, like myself, who no longer live there but have strong continuing connections. The magazine is a terrific way to boost and sustain interest in Wisconsin, as a place to live and visit. The DNR magazine is a better booster than the Chamber of Commerce. Jim Bailey, of Wisconsin and Virginia.

  5. I subscribed for three years, too. No reason for Walker to end this magazine except to suppress the truth.

  6. Thanks for the info. I subscribed for 3 years just now, and will also share on Facebook.

  7. Three years... Done!

    Facebook post... On my way!

    - Ted

  8. Done, thanks... two years. Hopefully the magazine outlasted Walker's regime.

  9. Yes, I too have subscribed for 3 years. And am posting now to FB. Nevertheless, she persisted.

  10. Done and shared. As a life-long Wisconsinite who now lives in Minnesota this publication is not only beautiful, but necessary.

  11. I'm a long-time subscriber and have contacted my State Senator, Assemblyman, and the Governor's office on this issue. Let's light up their phones and e-mails to let them know exactly how we feel!
