Tuesday, January 24, 2017

Breaking news: WI absent from 1st Trump infrastructure priorities

Too bad Wisconsin right-wing GOP Gov. Scott Walker set back rail manufacturing in Wisconsin, blocked the Milwaukee-Madison Amtrak extension and has no comprehensive state transportation plan except over-scheduled, under-financed 'plums' now-stalled - - poorly planned projects set in motion unsustainably to please his road-builder and legislative pals.

Perhaps if Walker wasn't the anti-rail Governor, fresh links, new equipment and upgraded facilities to provide better service, fight road congestion, clean the air and connect Wisconsin with Midwest High-Speed Rail and neighboring states, Wisconsin might have made the first cut of 50 big infrastructure projects said to make up Trump's highest priorities.

Lots of rail programs and other excellent projects look like they will be funded - - and some states are down for more than one project on the list which is making the rounds, according to this published report - - so check the list for yourself to see Wisconsin is listed for exactly zero projects, dollars and jobs.

In fact, there are recommended light and commuter rail projects on the list, too - - but Walker has been hostile to those rail lines in Southeastern Wisconsin, and blocked, along with GOP legislators, the use of Regional Transit Authorities which could efficiently coordinate multiple systems to provide users with a wider ranges of choices.

Maybe we'd be on the list if Walker was a full-time governor and his transportation priorities didn't include so much travel to out-of-state political events and football games.

Scott WalkerJan 22
Walker family heading into the  game.  
Scott WalkerJan 22
Scott WalkerJan 22
Nice photo of our family at the .



  1. Illinois got three, the UP got one.
    I assume, since each project mentions the number of direct jobs, they figured WI didn't need anything, given Scott's super-excellent job creation record.

  2. I don't think Trump is ever going to forgive the balding weasel for the apprentice comment he made during the debate. http://www.cnn.com/videos/politics/2015/09/16/gop-debate-cnn-debate-8p-4.cnn

  3. Good point about that comment, Anon. 7:57 a.m.As I recall, Walker was standing next to trump on stage, so the 'zinger' was even up close, plus personal.

  4. Didn't He-Man Walker also say something about not needing none of those "unreliable" candyass Federal funds? At least not when President Obama was handing them out. And ignoring all the other Federal funds that Walker was more than happy to take, unreliable or not.
