Saturday, December 3, 2016

Ex-developer lauds WI DNR's business practices

Former McDonald's manager, developer and current 'chamber of commerce mentality' WI DNR Secretary Cathy Stepp - - 
Wisconsin DNR Secretary Cathy Stepp proudly shows off her first deer, taken opening weekend last year. In the upcoming TV Special "Deer Hunt Wisconsin 2012, Stepp urges male hunters to take more girls and women hunting. "The secret's out," she says. "Hunting is a lot of fun, so don't keep it to yourselves."  photo courtesy of Wisconsin DNR
- - is trying to assure the public that the reorganization she released last week which continues Scott Walker's agency privatization and allows industrial-scale feedlot operators to write their own operating permits will be nothing more than, well, business as usual, media are reporting.
"I do want to assure everybody there's nothing in this plan that rolls back or weakens or loosens environmental regulations or standards," Stepp said on the Wisconsin Public Television interview program "Here and Now." It's not about that. It's about how we do the business we do, not the actual what it is that's getting done on the ground."
While you are getting a handle on Stepp's definition of the agency's mission as "the business we do, not the actual what it is," here is a deeper look at how the Walker-Stepp philosophy is actually wrecking the agency's historic public service mission.

Also - - as you try to see just where your constitutional right to clean water has been dispatched in Stepp's 'the-regulated get-to-do-it-for-themselves' code adherence, consider that under the Steps 'plan' the Wisconsin Supreme Court should be allowed to hand over the writing of its ethics codes to the Justices' big campaign contributors so the donors can still have their cases heard without recusals.

What - - the Justices already did that? This business-as-usual 'chamber of commerce mentality' in post-John Doe, Republican-and-one-party-ruled Wisconsin is government wide.

That's how the party in power in Wisconsin and their hired hands do 'the business they do and the actual what is...'

Put another way: don't worry, be happy. The party of business is letting business write its own business-as-usual ticket.

1 comment:

  1. To quote her, she has “run the organization from the day I come in with as much private sector business perspectives as we could infuse into government.”
