Sunday, December 4, 2016

Climate change impact proven in Lake Superior

Scott Walker's 'chamber of commerce mentality' Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources has assigned no priority to the realities of climate change and scrubbed items and information links about climate change from DNR webpages, but there is now scientific proof that a warming climate is fueling a first-ever discovery of algae deep in Lake Superior
Smoke stacks from a factory.
- - the deepest and coldest of the five Great Lakes. 
“This is the first detection of a biological impact from climate change on the Great Lakes ecosystem,’’ said Euan Reavie, paleolimnology specialist for UMD’s Natural Resources Research Center, one of nine scientists from six states and provinces who collaborated on the project.

Reavie studies the history of algae by taking samples out of the sediment at the bottom of the lakes. He and other researchers found cyclotella have been increasing for decades right along with the temperature of all five of the Great Lakes. 
“The signal is consistent over a broad area, over all the Laurentian Great Lakes’’ that climate change is spurring the change in cyclotella, Craig Stow, scientist for the Great Lakes Environmental Research Laboratory of the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, told the News Tribune. Stow was one of the principal researchers in the study.

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