The perfect metaphor for Republican monkey-wrenching - -deliberate, premeditated, partisan, mean-spirited, money-wasting - - unleashed on the public and at the public's expense by New Jersey GOP Gov. Chris Christie's inner circle, and probably with Christie's approval of knowledge of a special shield-me-no finger prints-I know-nothing kind.
The GOP-led Congress did much the same thing for the last eight years to the American people and President Barack Obama - - whether holding or killing his most recent Supreme Court nomination, or holding hostage his budgets, federal judgeships, cabinet appointments, the debt ceiling, the operation of the Federal government, etc. - - and are promising worse for you and me and all the people if Hillary Clinton is elected tomorrow.
Turning the Senate blue with wins that include a Russ Feingold return will make Republicans' promised GOPGate less burdensome and more easy to retire forever.
Let's get it done.
The perfect metaphor for Republican monkey-wrenching - -deliberate, premeditated, partisan, mean-spirited, money-wasting - - unleashed on the public and at the public's expense by New Jersey GOP Gov. Chris Christie's inner circle, and probably with Christie's approval of knowledge of a special shield-me-no finger prints-I know-nothing kind.
The GOP-led Congress did much the same thing for the last eight years to the American people and President Barack Obama - - whether holding or killing his most recent Supreme Court nomination, or holding hostage his budgets, federal judgeships, cabinet appointments, the debt ceiling, the operation of the Federal government, etc. - - and are promising worse for you and me and all the people if Hillary Clinton is elected tomorrow.
Turning the Senate blue with wins that include a Russ Feingold return will make Republicans' promised GOPGate less burdensome and more easy to retire forever.
Let's get it done.
Let's see if McConnell et al start out the Clinton presidency just like they did for Obama, with a pledge to do nothing, ever.