Thursday, October 27, 2016

Kohler golf course opponents want answers from DNR Sec. Stepp

Readers of this blog know that there is a plan by the Kohler Co. to convert into a high-end golf course a water, dune and woodland-rich nature preserve bisected by the Black River near Sheboygan along Lake Michigan - - 
- - and that one of the issues raised by opponents is the review of the plan by the Scott Walker-directed 'chamber of commerce mentality' Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources without requiring the company to submit a formal permit application.

The plan even includes turning over for golf course operations at least four acres of land in the adjoining Kohler Andrae State Park - - a request likely to find a friendly reception at the DNR where, as we speak, thousands of acres of state land under DNR ownership - - public land, your land - - is being offered for sale.

While other big corporate operations like water-hogging, manure-and-pollution producing big feedlots and heavily-polluting frac sand mines are given kid-gloves' permit reviews and continuing 'oversight.

Just today, Wisconsin organizations are seeking federal intervention over health hazards posed by frac sand mining, made worse in Wisconsin by the DNR's inaction:

Groups ask EPA to object to DNR approval of frac sand permit
Mining operation air pollution permit approved without Clean Air Act compliance


CONTACT:         Sarah Geers, Midwest Environmental Advocates Staff Attorney, (608) 251-5047 x 5
Stacy Harbaugh, Midwest Environmental Advocates Communications Director,, (608) 466-6321
Bill Davis, Sierra Club – John Muir Chapter Director,, (608) 256-0565
Lynette D. LeGarde, Ho-Chunk Nation Legislature Chief Communications, (715) 284-9343 Ext. 1160

MADISON, WI – On behalf of the Ho-Chunk Nation and the Sierra Club – John Muir Chapter, Midwest Environmental Advocates filed a petition this week with the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency requesting formal objection by the federal agency to an air pollution permit approved by the Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources.
The grassroots organization Friends of the Black River Forest, one of several groups around the state which has taken on the burden of environmental preservation which Walker's DNR has intentionally forfeited, has continued to question the project and has asked DNR Secretary Cathy Stepp - - again - - for a meeting. Here is the text of the organization's request. 

1 comment:

  1. If anyone deserves the toxic pollution from Kohler, it is the morons in Sheboygan that make up Scott Walker's base. The Sheboygan River is one of the most polluted in America, all thanks to Kohler.

    The harbor in Shebogan is a toxic site with warning against consumer any fish from it. So what do Scott Walker's BFF do? They promote it as a marina and fishing wonderland!

    Sell state land in Sheboygan County to Walker cronies? Go right ahead! Put some CAFOs all over there too and let the overwhelmingly republican community drink manure and urine too!

    I understand why you blog about the corruption in Sheboygan and Kohler, but you are banging your head against the wall. Stupid is what stupid does and they are just going to have to keep banging their heads with hammers until they become smart enough to figure out how good it feels when you put down the hammer.
