Saturday, October 8, 2016

Biden defines Trump's transgressions as assaultive, not just verbal

I was glad to see Vice President Joe Biden join many others reminding media and voters alike that the offenses which should end Donald Trump's campaign for President went beyond his vulgar, misogynist language.

This is an important point because some offended Republicans are echoing headlines about Trump's 'lewd' language while missing or ignoring the fact that his words and chuckles with the sycophantic Billy Bush were reprising aggressive, assaultive prior behaviors:

Vice President Joe Biden issued a scathing rebuke of Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump, saying his talk about groping women against their will amounts to "sexual assault."

1 comment:

  1. Gee, I can remember when the republican piggies jumped all over Jimmy Carter for having lust in his heart for women. Now they have a nominee that grab's 'em by v-parts and rapes 'em!
