Wednesday, September 21, 2016

'Listening' session/policy fail: Walker disapproval at 52%

So much for having endorsed the GOP's white power Presidential loose cannon, walking through scripted, by-invitation-only listening sessions while barely engaged with his big salaried, mansion-provided, perk-laden state job:

Wisconsin GOP Governor and dark money "supplicant" Scott Walker holds on to negative poll ratings - - 43% favorable to 52% unfavorable - - according to the latest Marquette University Law School poll:

Gov. Scott Walker's job approval was 43%, with 52% disapproving of his performance. Fifty-four percent approved President Barack Obama's job performance, while 41% disapproved.
Also interesting that Walker rates substantially behind President Obama despite having shifted state resources to fight Obama initiatives on health care, Medicaid expansion, Amtrak service and federal clean air rules, among others

Separate polling data released yesterday showed Walker tied for 8th least-popular US governor.

Is there an opponent who can take advantage of his deep weaknesses?

1 comment:

  1. Imagine what those numbers would be if the biggest pro-Walker news organizations/media outlets actually tried to inform the public about the objectively demonstrable outcomes of Walker's agenda and total GOP control.

    Too bad the state has been so severely gerrymandered that it will take historic turnouts and at least a 60% margin to wrestle the state back from GOP control. In 2014, thousands and thousands of more ballots were cast for the other side, but the republicans stay in control.
