Monday, May 2, 2016

Walker tax cuts worth more to upper-income earners.

You can slice and dice the Walker administration tax cut data released by the Legislative Fiscal Bureau anyway you want, so here's my cut:

For filers earning $50,000 annually, the cut was worth $160 a year, or $3.08 a week/one-cup-of-coffeeshop-brew-money-in-your pocket.

For filers earning $300,000 annually, the cut was worth 8.17 more, or $25.13 a week/coffee-every-day-or-take-the-kids-to-dinner-every-Friday-night money.


  1. You missed this quote from the article...

    "However, the cut was greater for those in the middle class when considered as a percentage of the amount they pay in taxes."

    Again, if you pay more in taxes it is really only basic math skills that are needed to realize that you will get more back on a tax cut.

  2. No. I didn't miss it. The reward to higher earners is disproportionately large.
