Thursday, April 28, 2016

Prosser request would have Walker undergo total personality transplant

David Prosser - - retiring State Supreme Court Justice - - you can't be serious.

After years of rubber-stamping Scott Walker priorities like the partisan and anti-labor Act 10, a Voter ID law based on non-existent voter impersonation fraud, and the killing of a high-profile investigation that freed Walker from further inquiry and deeply embedded special interest money and campaign coordination in state campaigns   - - and after years of Court conservatives' subservience to several of their major institutional campaign donors - - and after being at the center of a personal uproar on the Court and part of a process over adopting recusal rules which helped earn the Court a grade of "F" from a national rating service - - retiring conservative Justice David Prosser actually wrote these words to Walker as the Governor contemplates which GOP toady with which he can replace Prosser and  serve free of pesky election requirements until the spring of 2020:
Justice David Prosser is asking the guv to pick someone "fully committed to the important mission of the judiciary" to replace him on the Wisconsin Supreme Court"Such a person will understand that promoting the reputation and integrity of the institution is more important than the promotion of any individual," Prosser wrote. 
You might as well ask Ronald McDonald to begin serving McTofu. 


  1. Until all of the right wing Walker toadies have left the court there is no chance in hell that that court will ever be sen as having ANY integrity. They will always be seen as a kangaroo court who decides the case before it's heard. An embarrassment to the state and the legal profession. They are the things lawyer joke are made of. I hope Prosser takes his fake beliefs to the grave and anguishes over them on the way. But I'm not holding my breath.

  2. Prosser's retirement was well planned out to ensure there would be a lopsided court until 2020. He only hung on until he was sure they would keep the majority and by retiring, he lets Walker appoint a replacement of his choosing, not the people's. It's all a scam to stay in power and rule on the side of Republicans and their ideologies. They are all playing the system to keep the power in the hands of the deconstructors.

    1. Somewhat true, but it's convenient timing given that Prosser is a main person in the John Doe filing to SCOTUS that happened yesterday.

      Ziegler in 2017, Gableman in 2018. Both must be removed

  3. Prosser's refusal to recuse himself in the WI John Doe decision that has been petitioned to the US Supreme Court is the most likely reason for the announcement of his retirement that seemingly just came out of the blue.

    Gableman should probably follow Prosser's example and bow out too. Refusal to recuse is going to come back to smack them both.

  4. Quite the deal for the WMC; buy 5 judges and if one of them wears out its replaced for free.
