Monday, April 18, 2016

Could be big week for water news in WI

We could find out this week if the WI DNR will recommend permitting more groundwater sucking industrial scale animal feeding operations (CAFO) expansions - - background here - -  and we'll year some reaction to Waukesha's application for a precedent-setting diversion of Lake Michigan water when the Great Lakes Governors meet in Chicago April 21-22nd.

Stewardship has not been the Walker administration's DNR watchword.


  1. It's time to speak clearly about the desirability for the government to take the reins of water systems, first by not selling them to profit-making companies. Once a system is sold that becomes the *sacred* property of the new owner. With government ownership, updating a water system is not rigged for profits, but accountable at the ballot box. We own. *They* should not be permitted to sell.

  2. The only "big" thing that will happen this week is Scott Walker will drop another huge turd (sometime he refers to these as "bombs") on the electorate he has a sworn duty to serve. Why do mindless Wisconsinites vote to put manure-lagoon run-off and toxic chemicals in their drinking water?

  3. Of course it will. The Golden Sands EIS is due to come out. The usual DNR mo is to publish a draft permit at the same time. There will not be significant restrictions.

    Pretty much a done deal.

    The dnr leadership is corrupt.

  4. @Bill Sell

    Amen. The Assembly voice voted to approve legislation permitting the sale or management of water utilities to the private sector. That only means they didn't want to be on record. Privatizing water utilities would also end open records requests and open meetings requirements. Add that to a stripped down Walker controlled DNR and you have the very real potential for another Flint Michigan.
