Monday, March 21, 2016

UW basketball hero Koenig is right. 'Change the mascot'

[Updated] Props to UW-Madison basketball point guard and 2016 NCAA tournament star Bronson Koenig - - fearless on and off the court - - for being way ahead of Scott Walker, the Wisconsin Legislature, and the tone-deaf, royalties-driven Washington, DC pro football franchise on the need to eliminate racist school mascots and logos.

You're looking at the true face of the state and the heart of the Wisconsin Idea - - an historic service and teaching mission - - which has been under attack by the same political reactionaries who went out of their way to use state power to help retain Native American school mascots and logos.

These are the same backward-looking and insensitive political forces which also wanted to allow developers to excavate and bulldoze Native American burial grounds and legacy effigy structures in Wisconsin.

In the Koenig way, On,Wisconsin.


  1. Koenig also tweeted out messages if support to the large numbers of Native peoples who protested the bill at the Capitol that would have allowed the movement of burial grounds in Dane County.

  2. Here - -

  3. mBronson Koenig: Three-Point-Maker and Excellent-Point-Maker.
