Sunday, March 27, 2016

Updates on big $$ golf course aimed at WI nature preserve

[Updated] This blog has been following since 2014 the political and environmental issues surrounding the proposed loss of a 247-acre nature preserve (additional photos) - - 
The Wisconsin DNR must deny Kohler Company the use of  public State lands for their private profit. The role of the WDNR is to protect the environment...not work for developers.
that includes rare a Walker donor can build another high-end golf course.

The proposed location is very close to the Lake Michigan shoreline (within the woods below)

and includes at least one Native American effigy/burial mound just south of Sheboygan that is adjacent to and would take several acres from the popular Kohler Andrae Wisconsin State Park.

I want to point you to four five relevant items:

*  A fresh release from the grassroots opponents' organization Friends of the Black River Forest:

Town May Get Stuck with Kohler's Bill to Insure Its Safety 
* A new petition by the opponents.

*  Information about some of the wetlands - - some rare - - that are on the site.

*  Information provided to the state by the company's environmental review which raised additional questions from the Wisconsin DNR as it continues to write an official state Environmental Impact Statement.

*  A bigger-context view: 

Walker's push to privatize Wisconsin land, water and air

1 comment:

  1. A lot of the information submitted for the Environmental Report by Stantec was collected for a previously proposed luxury campground.
