Monday, March 21, 2016

New Berlin State Sen. Mary Lazich, (R), career pol, call it quits

[Updated, 11:25 p.m.] As the GOP candidate cookie-cutter is brought out to fill the big shoes of feet-in-the-mouth Mary Lazich,
can the party find a candidate who can as reliably adhere to the farthest-rightwing, states-righty agenda and also oppose traffic roundabouts while proposing that prank phone calls be treated as felonies?

Like I said, big shoes, feet in mouth.

Update - - Maybe there's a political job coming her way, as Walker has given big, pension-inflating taxpayer-paid jobs in his 'small' government to other loyal ex-GOP legislators - - Cathy Stepp and Scott Gunderson, (DNR), Mike Huebsch, (DOA), Jeff Stone & Phil Montgomery (PSC), with Stone replacing another legislative appointee, Scott Suder, after a stinky budget kerfuffle.

And also to one ex-Senate Democrat, Jeff Plale, who voted in key situations with Republicans to undermine Gov. Jim Doyle on his way out.


  1. The most condescending, rude, unresponsive legislator I have ever met. Don't let the door hit you on the way out Mary!

  2. anon 10:05

    Obviously you haven't met John Nygren
    or Tom Tiffany.
