Wednesday, February 10, 2016

WI's ruling party disinterest in homeless, hungry suburban kids

The Wisconsin Republican Legislative majority, while busy boosting legislators' expense accounts, or finding new ways to shovel tax favors to the wealthy, or new millions in public dollars to favored, insider special interests, refuses to acknowledge, let alone feed the growing number of hungry, homeless children in their suburban districts, according to an investigation by New Berlin Now:
The Now probe examined five school districts in the suburbs southwest of Milwaukee: West Allis-West Milwaukee, Whitnall, Greenfield, New Berlin and Muskego. The conclusion is that affluent suburban schools in Waukesha County are experiencing what their urban counterparts have dealt with for years: expanding numbers of hungry and even homeless children in classrooms.
No doubt because, as GOP Assembly Majority Leader Robin Vos recently observed, a statewide standard "every once in a while" is a good idea.

1 comment:

  1. That "No doubt..." paragraph seems out of place. Copy/Paste error?
