Wednesday, February 17, 2016

Waukesha diversion concern today echoed in 2010 posting here

I noted this update in the Journal Sentinel from two days of meetings in Waukesha about that city's application for a precedent-setting diversion of Lake Michigan water:

Great Lakes officials: Waukesha water request faces challenges

Officials of several Great Lakes states and provinces Wednesday identified Waukesha's future water supply service area as a sticking point in approving the city's request for Lake Michigan water. 
The water service area, as delineated to comply with state law, would allow delivery of lake water to portions of the towns of Waukesha, Delafield and Genesee and the City of Pewaukee even though those communities do not have a current need for it. Several neighborhoods in the towns are facing well contamination problems and are expected to request municipal water in the future.
So I thought I'd repost this blog item from July 1, 2010:

In Waukesha's bid for Great Lakes water, the weakest link

The weakest link in the application - - and what will raise questions all the way from the Town of Waukesha to the City of Milwaukee, and with reviewers and regulators in all the eight Great Lakes states, is Waukesha's plan to send Lake Michigan water into parts of Pewaukee, Genesee and the Town of Waukesha.
And from 2009
Though Waukesha says it is scaling back the amount of Lake Michigan water it seeks to divert, and is saving water through conservation, its diversion application will include this report and map showing where outside its current water delivery service territory it could send some of the water. 
The report and map are required elements of a diversion application under the Great Lakes Compact, and were developed by the Southeastern Wisconsin Regional Planning Commission. 
Note that some of that acreage is designated by the regional planning commission as environmentally sensitive. 
Portions of the service territory expansion are undeveloped, and/or are outside the city's municipal boundaries, too.
More about the application and tomorrow's Great Lakes regional hearing at Carroll College, here

1 comment:

  1. We can solve Walkersha's water problems by just sending them all of our urine -- and as an added benefit, we will take a lot of stress off our overburdened sewer systems.

