Friday, January 1, 2016

The WI GOP one-party take over gets more blatant

Wisconsin's gerrymandering and authoritarian GOP isn't satisfied with lawmaking that laid down onerous ID and absentee ballot restrictions for purely partisan purposes, so it's getting ready to throw another legal roadblock in front of citizens looking to exercise their constitutional access to the ballot box: disallowing local governments from issuing photo identification cards that provide several purposes for citizens, including legslly getting a ballot.

Anything to tamp down the 2016 vote in Wisconsin. Anything to diminish local control in favor of harsh, centralized state power. All to tilt Wisconsin's electoral votes to the GOP, no matter how blatant the manipulation.

And, you know, just to mess with people. Such fun for the ruling party.


  1. FYI James, you may be interested in this: as a State of Wisconsin retiree I checked for my January persion payment today (January 2nd). It was not there. I called ETF and there was a recorded message for annuitants: Since January first was a holiday, you may not receive your pension payment until Monday January 4th. My wife has been receiving pension since 2010 and other payments have not been holiday delayed to my recollection. Is Scottie's administration trying to nickel-dime annuitants by saving a bit of interest on obligations in order to pay down their self inflicted deficit ?

  2. Sonoma Badger -- More than likely Scott reduced the state work force to the point that they had no one to do that job this year. I've noticed other things like that having to do with state services that are no longer available at times when they used to always be available. Scotty likes to call it shrinking government, but it ends up creating problems for retirees and state workers when their checks don't arrive on time.

  3. I have 3 direct deposits on the 1st of the month and when I checked 2 of the 3 were there. One was not, guess which one.

  4. Even a pig can be taught right from wrong, by today's Republicans have no conscious. They are worse than pigs and infinitely less human. Scott Walker is nothing more than a brain dead zombie with extreme anti-social tendencies. He has found the perfect place for his sociopathic and intellectually-stunted mind and personality -- the leader of Wisconsin's Republican party.

    When I think about how much more human real swine are than these shameless hogs that have morphed into the Republican party, I know deep in my heart it is time for me to stop eating pork, these dear animals that are so much more worthy than Scott Walker and his Republican cohorts.

  5. Centralizing local government at the state level doesn't surprise me none. That's what Walker did as Milwaukee County Executive. Anything he didn't want to deal with he pushed onto the state to take care of it. Or, pushed it onto the City of Milwaukee. But, now that he's the head honcho of the entire state, he wants the final say so on everything including at the local level. He wants all of the power. Isn't that some sort of sickness to want that? I think so.

  6. @my5cents,anonymous and Sonoma, do any of you have any proof that the state is purposely pension payments? Since the payment isn't deposited till 12:01 on the 1st and Sat and Sun followed it's only reasonable for it to be available on Mon the 4th. All 3 of you and kitty Jimmy seem to suffer from WDS. The left in Wis is out of power, I get that, it sucks. My side didn't pout, protest and run away to IL, we organized, recruited and got out the vote. Go recruit some good candidates, right now your bench is empty.

  7. You organized and recruited a boat-load of special interest money from out of state - that's what made the difference.
