Thursday, November 5, 2015

Walker's differing stances on the state's role on jobs

When 1,000 good-paying, family-supporting Oscar Mayer jobs were revealed as lost to Madison, Walker got around to displaying his know-nothing face and finger-pointing do-nothing response:
The GOP governor said the closing was a corporate decision that had "nothing to do with Wisconsin"... 
[Madison Mayor Paul] Soglin said Madison officials met with the company after the first wave of job cuts [in August] and made clear the city would do what it could to help. The state had not done anything he was aware of, Soglin said.
Walker & Co. sat on their hands when Oscar Mayer was signaling it's departure this summer, but when when the jobs news was better a few weeks ago in another city - - the Amazon opened a distribution facility in Kenosha - - Walker pulled out all the stops and touted Wisconsin's virtues and positive state actions in a 'look-what-I did' job-creating victory lap, because as his office said:
"Governor Walker’s top priority is working hard for the people of Wisconsin to ensure everyone has access to good-paying, family-supporting jobs."


  1. Walker's oft used quote: "Employers across the state tell me they have good paying jobs available in high demand fields, but need workers to be drug free. Wouldn't one think that if there indeed were good paying jobs out there even if every Wisconsin job seeker was a drugie..................workers from out of state would be flooding into Wisconsin to get their hands on those jobs. One would also think if those jobs were there Walker and his agencies would be going all out to set up training programs or have WEDC offer funds for training and recruitment at the very sites where the jobs exist. Instead all Walker has done in 58 months is hang "OPEN FOR BUSINESS" signs at the state lines. Now that 1200 workers are losing their jobs Walker's response is to insist that they be drug tested starting Monday in order to get their unemployment benefits!!!! A jobs genius and an economic wizard he is not.

  2. Right up there with having a media event for WEDC-funded expansions for Deere in Horicon...while at tge same time that Deere in Janesville was losing more jobs than was being gained in Horicon!

    I wonder if these people are so craven now that they're trying to hurt blue-voting areas of Wisconsin and helping red ones

  3. See what happens she you sign recall petitions?

  4. Rather than work on creating good paying jobs in Wisconsin, Walker is more interested in creating a new commission of 12 people to look for waste and fraud and "make agencies more efficient." All to keep taxes down or lower them.

    Funny, but I thought all the waste and fraud was in the unemployment and food stamp programs. They already screwed up the Social Services program by throwing everyone in the same pot so the people who need to speak to a person in their own county doesn't necessarily get to do so.

    I would like to know why they won't take up the 15 jobs bills the Democrats have offered the Assembly and at least discuss them to see if they would indeed help to create more good-paying jobs for Wisconsinites.

    All they can think is "slash and burn." Nothing constructive ever comes from the Republican/Tea Party reps in state government. I guess if it isn't on the ALEC list, they can't possibly think of it. Low intelligence? With all of the good paying jobs leaving Wisconsin, revenues are going to be in the toilet next year. How's that going to work out for the budget?

  5. A new commission by walker to look for fraud and abuse? Start at the WEDC - tens of millions will be found. When the heck are taxpayers going to stand up and say more?? How about taxpayers do a special vote on a committee to represent taxpayers and find waste, fraud and abuse across the board - starting in Walker's own backyard.

  6. The sad part is many of the folks who vote for Walker are blue collar and have experienced financial hardship and job loss. Why do they votefor someone who is against their best interests? Who knows. But, someone has to stir up that crowd and get them fired up like the tea party.
