Monday, October 5, 2015

WI DOA official moves to WI DNR senior staff

Industry wins again, and the shuffle at the DNR continues, according to an email which staff received today (below) from Secretary Cathy Stepp (and note the impact of the administration's record on phosphorus, an issue she brought up.

Act 378 which Stepp touts unwound years of negotiated progress on phosphorus controls, and added potential decades through variances to effectively confronting and stemming phosphorus pollution  - - a weakened regulatory change which industry wanted - - though others have said phosphorus is the biggest runoff polluter of Wisconsin waters.

Like I said, industry wins again at the 'chamber of commerce mentality' DNR.

By the way, here's the bigger picture.

Now Stepp's email:
Good afternoon everybody!  I’m extremely pleased to announce our new Deputy Assistant Secretary, Ed Eberle. I have personally worked with Ed in his current role as Administrator of Division of Intergovernmental Relations over at DOA, and have long admired him.
He will bring with him 20 years of knowledge and experience with state service in both the legislature and executive branch.
He has been active with local and state agencies with the Wisconsin Land Information Program and GIS updates, as well as, working on behalf of Governor Walker and cabinet officials with Wisconsin’s 11 tribal governments.
On behalf of DOA, he has been working with the DNR on WI Act 378 (Phosphorus Study). 
Ed brings a wealth of experience, knowledge and interpersonal relationships in working with state agencies, the legislature, and communities throughout Wisconsin.  
He is looking forward to his new leadership role and meeting all of you—his new colleagues!
Ed will begin his time with us next week.  Please feel free to stop by or send him a warm DNR welcome email after next week Monday the 12th.


  1. I wonder what would really happen if employees stopped by to meet him?

  2. He was Walker's Chief of Staff when he was MKE County Executive. Weirdly his DOA biography doesn't mention that.

    "Ed Eberle serves as Administrator of the Division of Intergovernmental Relations, which provides a broad array of services to the public and state, local and tribal governments. It also supports counties, municipalities, citizens and businesses by providing support services in land use planning, land information and records modernization, municipal boundary review, plat review, demography, and coastal management programs.
    Prior to his appointment as Administrator, Ed worked for the State Assembly as a committee clerk for Elections and Constitutional Law and then served as Joint Finance Committee staff."

    Ed earned his Bachelor of Arts and Science degree from Marquette University.

  3. He was Coalitions Director for the Bush-Cheney Campaign in WI in 2004. Here is his bio from that:

    Lobbied for American Education Reform Foundation. Worked several years as a legislative staffer including for state Rep. Dean Kaufert (R-Neenah) and previously for then state-Rep. Scott Walker.

  4. Nice guy. Very knowledgeble about state government. DNR staff will appreciate him.

    1. I'm guessing that's not why he got the job. And I'm guessing your job is related to saying BS like what we see abive, so you too can be a professional butt-kisser like Edward Eberle

  5. The comments are illuminating I am sure:

  6. People don't know the half of it. Environmental concerns at the DNR are not addressed. People aren't even being paid for expenses. The STAR project is a disaster. Invoices are officially on hold, STAR can't process them, at least at the D NR. People's expense vouchers won't process, and on and on. So...... who will have the initiative to address environmental concerns, especially since if you complain you get fired.
