Wednesday, October 14, 2015

Add a "d" to M-i-s-s-i-s-s-i-p-p-i

Actually, it's D+, awarded to the overall state of the crucial Mississippi River Watershed by a comprehensive report card from The Nature Conservancy after two years of study.
View comprehensive Report Card technical paper that includes data sources, calculations and analysis. Download a high-resolution (21MB .pdf) of the Report Card that is suitable for quality printing.
Note that the report was prepared under the guidance of Wisconsin policy activist Harald "Jordy" Jordahl, son of the late Wisconsin conservation icon Harold "Bud" Jordahl, as the Nature Conservancy explains:
Jordy previously worked on resource policy issues with state, local, federal and tribal governments while serving in legislative, executive, administrative and advocacy positions including policy advisor to the Wisconsin Governor, legislative policy aide, director of intergovernmental relations for the Wisconsin Department of Administration, and director of government relations for The Nature Conservancy in Wisconsin. His interests have focused on advancing projects affecting working landscapes and the connections between conservation and communities, agriculture, forestry and transportation. 
Jordy’s first exposure with the Mississippi River came on duck hunting trips with his dad to pool #9, often ending with a fresh catfish sandwich at the Bright Spot in DeSoto, Wisconsin, before returning home. Jordy lives in the upper Mississippi River watershed in Madison, Wisconsin, with his three children, wife and hunting dogs and also manages family agricultural, timber and recreational properties in western and northern Wisconsin.
Good to see this valuable information and high-level concern aimed at water quality issues you cannot overstate, given the scope of the watershed.

Map of the Mississippi River watershed

Demoralizing that it's a variation on the old story - - aging infrastructure with serious consequences.

We have aging infrastructure across the board in Wisconsin, but the state and special interests would prefer to expand or build new systems while ignoring obvious repairs to our potholed roads, flawed pipelines, failing farm runoff prevention, etc.

Imagine running your household like that.

(Note: Jordy Jordahl was incorrectly identified in an earlier version of this posting.)


  1. Don't forget, scotty wants to trollop around the country and world on Wisconsin's taxpayers' dime too. Walker is a con and entirely a sham. He is ballooning Wisconsin's debt, refusing to pay back existing debt, ballooning interest payments on debt; and the Wisconsin media (lead by MJS) continues to call him a fiscal conservative that has balanced the budget.

    You would not tell a bigger lie -- your post is spot-on, but there is a larger context that could also amplify what you are sharing today.

  2. yeah, when the old part needs maintenance, just build an addition and live in that.

  3. Anon 12:49

    While WTMJ-AM is Scott Walker's flagship propaganda arm, you are right, it is Milwaukee Journal Sentinel that leads the rightwing noise machine that blankets the state in print and broadcast. The hateful nattering from WTMJ-AM, however, is so divisive that it cannot be used to lead the mighty Wurlitzer because it is so biased and extreme.

    MJS, on the other hand, is able to hide behind the lie of objective journalism, that they are impartial (NOT!) and present both sides of stories. This is a lie. MJS does not even try to balance its reporting, because it is not their purpose to do so.

    Manufacturing an illusion of consensus is what MJS is about. This is why they function much more as a pro-Walker propaganda arm than the shrill dog-whistle racism and hate from WTMJ-AM.
