Saturday, July 18, 2015

To he who is not suited, some advice

Peggy Noonan, Ronald Reagan's key speech writer, has some advice for Junior Reagan Walker:

"Wear a suit."

We could go on and on with observations about the advice she tailored for Walker, because we have long known that this emperor wears no clothes and while clothes make the man, it will take more than a suit to make him suitable.


  1. All of these proclamations that because of blah blah blah blah, Scott Walker is not electable are just horse crap, entirely meaningless and false. How can you ignore that, with the help of a compliant media and questionable-to-implausible election outcomes, Walker is kickin' your butt.

    He is constently at or near the top in all polls for 2016 and you want to jump on a story like this?

    It is going to take much more thoughtful analysis to defeat Scott Walker and it is going to demand that we talk about corporate media that created this koch-fueled monster in the first place. It is so disappointing to hear all the folks that continue to bray that he is un-electable because of blah blah blah blah...

    Sure, James, with your extensive background in the media, you know better than to continue on the false meme that Walker cannot be the GOP 2016 nominee and cannot, by hook or crook, end up in the White House. Under-estimate the powers behind Scott Walker at your own peril.

  2. We have a county persona who *never* wears a suit. When he's photographed at an event with his "peers and up" I read the him as insecure, someone who is always trying to impress, never believing he has a job, or just interrupted a house party to be there.

  3. Do they sell suits at Kohls?

  4. Bill

    I am sure that Scott Walker's handlers have specifically told him not to wear a suit and for good reason. Scott Walker, on his own merits, is a doofus and your comments (and Rowen's) are legitimate in that context.

    HOWEVER, this is not really about Scott Walker. This is about multinational corporate interests that have targeted Wisconsin to flip red and then use this to take the scheme national. They are winning. It will take decades to reverse the rightwing agenda being forced on Wisconsin.

    The Badger state will not be known as a progressive place again in my lifetime, because Walker and his cohorts are not done with their divide and conquer. Maybe it makes people feel better to post things that dismiss Walker, but wouldn't it be better to acknowledge what we are up against and rise to the challenge of defeating it at the polls?

    Remember, Wisconsin has been so seriously gerrymandered that it will take historical turnouts and margins of victory to defeat Republican control. The media is still entirely in Scott Walker's pocket, it isn't about the few pieces published that can be interpreted as bad for Walker. We need to acknowledge that the majority of "news" reports promote him, for example, yesterday's propaganda published all over Wisconsin, across America, and even featured on NPR that Scott Walker is still all about small-town USA Delavan (NOT!)

    I cannot even begin to explain how discouraging it is to hear people dismiss Walker out of hand when the record shows that, by hook or crook, he is getting away with everything he wants, including being a top-tier candidate for GOP's 2016 Presidential Nominee.

  5. An important echo that must be heard:

    "...this is not really about Scot Walker. This is about multinational corporate interests that have targeted Wisconsin to flip red and then use this to take the scheme national. They are winning. It will take decades to reverse the rightwing agenda being forced on Wisconsin.

    ...multinational corporate interests that have targeted Wisconsin to flip red and then use this to take the scheme national. They are winning. It will take decades to reverse the rightwing agenda being forced on Wisconsin.

    ...then use this to take the scheme national. They are winning. It will take decades to reverse the rightwing agenda being forced on Wisconsin.

    ...They are winning. It will take decades to reverse the rightwing agenda being forced on Wisconsin.

    ...It will take decades to reverse the rightwing agenda being forced on Wisconsin.

    ...rightwing agenda being forced on Wisconsin."
