Monday, July 13, 2015

Instant WI poll 2-to-1 against Walker

[Updated] Doesn't look like Walker got a statistically-signficant post-announcement bounce in this Journal Sentinel "Will Gov. Scott Walker win" online poll, as "No" and "I'm not sure" with a combined 81% are still overwhelming "Yes" with 20%.

One-in 5 ain't much of a big, bold mandate.

Updating from 11: 19 Monday July 13, below:

Will Gov. Scott Walker win the Republican nomination for president?
Gov. Scott Walker announced on Monday in Waukesha that he is running for president of the United States. 
Yes, he will emerge as the top Republican in the field.: 20%
No, Walker isn't the best Republican candidate.: 62%
I'm not sure. The field is too big to say who is the best candidate.: 19%
Total Responses: 2033

Will Gov. Scott Walker win the Republican nomination for president?
Gov. Scott Walker announced on Monday in Waukesha that he is running for president of the United States. 
Yes, he will emerge as the top Republican in the field.: 17%
No, Walker isn't the best Republican candidate.: 67%
I'm not sure. The field is too big to say who is the best candidate.: 16%
Total Responses: 590

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