Monday, June 22, 2015

Walker's waffled on flag; will he do same on white supremacist donation?

The headline speaks volumes:
White supremacist who inspired SC shooter gave $3,500 to Scott Walker
Updated, 2:30 p m. So I read it's to be donated. How about to the church where the massacre was carried out?


  1. Is that a surprise? Walker's base seems to think it is fine. They care more about quid pro quo than social issues.

    However, it does indicate that Walker is not a man of integrity. I don't think anyone can argue that.

  2. He will probably say he donated it, but did he really?

  3. Ron Johnson, our US Senator, took money from a self described slumlord, and kept it - until exposed today. WOW...a slumlord...stealing the phrase from a nother news blogger...Mo-Ron-ic....

  4. I will believe in Walker's contrition when he gives several multiples of Holt's donation to the AME church in Wisconsin, preferably for community organizing or a get-out-the-vote drive. (And as long as we're at it, how about bringing back Sunday voting?) Otherwise this is just another meaningless claim of "no harm, no foul" from Governor Divide-And-Conquer.

  5. Well, I did think it odd that he did not mention the Oak Creek Sikh Temple shooting that occurred during his watch (not that it was his fault). That would seem to me to be a no brainer...He's running for Prez but does not see the connection b/w the two?
