Friday, June 26, 2015

Walker said he didn't know if Obama was Christian

Yes, Walker said that.

Hope he availed himself of the answer.


  1. Walker always says what he thinks the extreme right-wing of the Republican party wants to hear whether he believes it or not. He is a complete phony. He would never admit that President Obama is a Christian. Remember he said he had not personally asked him if he was a Christian, and even if he did, he'd probably say Obama was lying. Walker thinks nothing of lying about anything and everything. He is untrustworthy and not suited to be a leader. You don't really think he would watch a eulogy speech given by Obama do you?

  2. Embrace that grace Scott Walker! Quit telling us you are a Christian and start showing it!

  3. He didn't know Obama was a Christian because what he sees Obama demonstrate day after day; month after month; and yes year after year is not what Walker understand as Christian behavior. Compassion for other is not a quality Walker possesses. Walker is a divide and conquer mean spirited evil excuse for a human who say he is a christian. He only knows how to tear down and punish. He is only good at lying and denying help to those need it. He is only committed to his puppeteers and benefactors.

  4. That's because Walker isn't a Christian. Walker wouldn't know - he acts like the Devil himself.

  5. Obama lives out his faith every day. It's not an abstraction.

    Walker, on the other hand, uses Christianity as a political tool to win people over to his point of view. He's the perfect spokesperson for punitive Christianity.

  6. Obama is a Christian, Walker is a Pharisee!
