Monday, June 8, 2015

Walker is taking a ribbing for this Iowa photo FUBAR

Reminds me of the people Jon Stewart mocks for eating pizza with a knife and fork. Note the little girl bare-handing it. This was Walker at Iowa US GOP Sen. Joni Ernst's rib and ride event last weekend.


  1. For gosh sakes he has to wear gloves as everything he touches becomes dirty!

  2. Kind of like adults putting to bibs to eat bbq.

    Hint to Scooter- Don't forget to put either ketchup or A1 on the steaks and chops when in Iowa, like all the locals do.

  3. You are making far too much about this and it is unfair. A warmonger like Scott Walker cannot take a chance of some wag snappin' a photo of his hands all covered in a bright red blood-like substance like BBQ sauce.

    Maybe the little girl will think its kewl to look like she has blood on her hands, but to saber-rattling presidential candidates that want to invade Iraq again, would be a major faux pas.

  4. For once I'm on Scooter's side. He has to shake dozens of hands at this event. The little girl doesn't.

  5. He was serving; servers had to wear gloves.

  6. The only person ol' blood and guts Walker serves is himself and his owners. Anyway I've always thought the best way to eat ribs is naked in the shower and when you're done eating just turn on the water.

  7. It would have been nice for Walker to face the little girl when they both took their first bites of the ribs, but ever the opportunist, Walker decided instead to face the cameras.

  8. Blaska, do you mean to suggest that Walker was prepared to serve again after eating these ribs? So what's the point of gloves?

  9. He's eating over his serving station, while wearing his serving gloves? Gross. I'll bet he also dips twice, licks his fingers and dips again. The good of the community is not something that's high on our Governor's list of priorities.
