Monday, June 29, 2015

How'd I get on this fund-raising list?

JAMES, as a trusted leader in the Conservative movement I need to ask you an important question.

Should I run for President of the United States?

I have been praying about this decision for a long time and if I do decide to seek the Republican nomination for President I need to know you’ll stand with me...


  1. I will interpret:

    Dear James, I have been praying for a lot of money to come my way. I have plenty accumulated by telling lies, by treating people like dirt, and by begging from the rich who hate God, but I can never have enough. If you give me some of your money it will help God tell me what to do.

    Walker makes me sick. He is a wolf in sheep's clothing and every time he mentions prayer it should be considered a blasphemous joke.

  2. I got the same thing.

  3. Got the same thing, but there was no place to tell Scooter to give it up.

  4. The secret is out. So you're a big Scott Walker donor!

  5. Front page of today's Chicago Tribune print edition:

  6. I got a different one that started out, "Hey friend". I sent them a reply asking them what makes them think I am their friend. Never got a reply. Hmmmmm! People should never assume anything.


  7. Anon 10:48 It is no secret. Anybody who pays taxes in Wis. is a SKWalker campaign contributor. He promised to treat our money as if it was his own and he certainly has. I believe it is the only promise he has kept,

  8. Give Walker some credit for honesty.

    At least he didn't refer to himself as a trusted leader of Wisconsin.

  9. Sure you should, Scooter, but can you do it the bootstrappy way and pay for it yourself?


    I hope this link works, since it was written by a person with a *very* conservative political outlook.

    Sound familiar?

    Thanks for the great work, James!

  11. An acquaintance passed along a similar fund-raising email from Scott Walker Inc Testing the Waters, but with the subject line: "Human tragedy unless help arrives"

    Everybody check your spam folder for around 7am on June 29.

    With the timing, my first thought was that Walker was about to take the anti-marriage-equality rhetoric up into the stratosphere, but the body of the message makes no further reference to "human tragedy." Just boilerplate (paraphrasing here) "I took on the Big Government Labor Bosses in Wisconsin... and I need your money to take my big, bold reforms to Washington..."
