Friday, June 26, 2015

Gay marriage win seals big week for equality

The Supreme Court affirms rights to health care, fair and open housing and same-sex marriage. A nice week to be a progressive.


  1. This should draw a clear line in the sand for the Republicans running for president as they oppose all three so the voters have a clear choice. It will be interesting if they hide from these issues or they stand and be counted. My guess is they'll hide but talk towards the middle even though they'll act to the extreme right if elected.

  2. From @ScottWalker : "I believe this Supreme Court decision is a grave mistake."

  3. Anon 9:24

    Right on the money!

    Let the games begin.

  4. ...and a bad week to be part of the WI GOP. Are they starting to fray and lose confidence in Walker?

    Two posts today from that site (below) with similar conclusions (opening them in a private window/incognito gets around the monthly page limits)
