Monday, June 22, 2015

Alternative headline: Walker leading from behind

The Journal Sentinel missed its chance to slap Walker for leading from behind - - Walker's favorite diss these days for the President - - but went with this more polite headline"
Scott Walker, please come home


  1. Why is the paper begging for this misfit to return? He collects a paycheck without working, steals from taxpayers and can't pass a state budget. Really?

  2. Unfortunately, Walker is not leading anything. He fails to give opinions when asked, and when he does, he says what everyone else who's running for President says. If they all make the same comments about what's going on in the country or world, how do you decide which one is the best choice for running the country. I always thought running for office meant you created a personal platform, outlined plans for leading the state/country, and stood on your own personal core beliefs. It's like a bunch of puppets out there all repeating what the other one says, or what they think the public wants to hear. I am not listening to them anymore. They are not even people. It's like 25 puppets applying to be CEO of a corporation and each one trying to outdo the other with inflammatory remarks, or not commenting at all, or giving pat answers to serious questions that need discussion because they think that's what the HR person wants to hear. Ugh!! Beating around the bush does not cut it. Not any more.

  3. Is this what you mean about Walker leading from behind. This is from the Washington Post:
    "Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker (R) had called the flag’s placement a state issue, and said the state’s leaders should debate it after the victims were buried. On Monday, immediately following Haley’s remarks, he tweeted his support for her statement." Looks like leading from behind to me. Walker--Oh, so the SC Gov. is for removing the flag, then I'm for it too.

  4. Well, when he is "home," its because he is raising cash-ola, exploiting Madison and the uber-wealthy the only way he can.
