Wednesday, May 6, 2015

Walker/GOP ideology to waste taxpayer millions 3.0

[Updated 4:49, 6:37 p.m.] Wisconsin short of money? Having already turned back hundreds of millions of dollars to extend Amtrak to Madison and, separately, to expand Medicaid health care coverage, the right-wing Wisconsin Haters of the Poor want to to legislate unneeded and politicized restrictive changes to the food stamp program that will drain more hundreds of millions of dollars from a state budget already hit with a 'surprise' shortfall.

Wisconsin is heading into Kansas self-inflicted wound territory because Walker gave people a weekly tax cut last year of just under $3 - - less than the cost of a single Happy Meal or a gallon of milk and a dozen eggs - - and in return they get crummier schools, fewer public lands on which to hike, fish or hunt, while their low-income neighbors, parishioners or relatives in a state now creating only low-wage jobs get fewer calories and less medicine.


  1. This is they guy that Milwaukee Journal Sentinel proudly endorsed! Each time, their own bogus fact-checking (which slants republican) showed Scott Walker to be the most dishonest governor in Wiscsonsin!

    But if you tell the truth about Scott Walker's PolitiFact ratings being in the toilet, they call you a PANTS-ON-FIRE liar!

    No one in the media had more info in the economic train wreck that is Scott Walker, including the mess he left behind in Milwaukee County.

    And now MJS and the republicans it works for want to say, "Suprise, Surprise! there's no magic money in the state's coffers!" And if you read between the lines, they are actually indicating that revenues are running BEHIND what was anticipated. Expect them to drop that bomb at a future date.

    After all, Scott Walker is running for PRESIDENT for Pete's sake!!!!!!

  2. When Walker gave them his austere budget, they should have believed it was for real.

  3. I love the Vos quote: "For those of us who have been crossing our fingers and going to church on Sunday, it didn't work," Vos said of the flat tax projections. Nice to know he can admit that they are actually doing nothing to improve the states' economy.

  4. Vos is admitting that, just like the children that cross their fingers because it empowers them to lie, he is being blasphemous in disrespectful of Christianity by telling lies in church.

    I know Milwaukee Journal Sentinel says that Scott Walker talks to God about everything and that he is doing God's will, but surely they also know that Walker talks to God with his fingers crossed.

  5. Anonymous 5:03, Vos must be such a sinner that even God has given up on him.

    And Vos knows that the voters will be next to do so.

  6. Next time Scott Walker, or any republican says "create jobs" replace the statement with "increase campaign contributions for me". The truth is, that is what they are really saying. Scott Walker is not creating jobs, he is creating payola.

    1. Well stated. The real goal is to funnel money and power to campaign contributors, and any job growth is coincidence.

      Notice that the GOPs won't even consider pausing on that corporate tax cut, and keeping rates the same for the next two years, even though that simple move would save around $250 million.

  7. Vos doesn't speak to god. He sold his soul to the devil a long time ago.

  8. It never dawned on me; oh, the speaker being capable of speaking ill will of the.gover-r-nator - #TW

  9. You do not get more revenues from low paying jobs. Actually, you are lucky to get any at all. That's why Wisconsin needs unions to push for better pay, better hours, better working conditions, and better benefits for workers. Wisconsin is well on it's way to becoming another Kansas or third world state. I hope it hits all those Republicans who voted for him right in their pocket. Maybe that will wake them up that smooth talking, ordinary Joe, Walker isn't the person they think he is. Actually he reminds me of the snake oil salesman in old movies.

    What is the point in turning down free federal funds? Isn't that like giving back the bonus your company offers you? You wouldn't do that would you? Would you? Really?
