Thursday, May 14, 2015

Sign Milwaukee-area petition to save $$, remove Estabrook Dam

Ask I have been reporting, Milwaukee County taxpayers should sign on at site and help convince the Milwaukee County Board of Supervisors to finally remove the costly, broken and environmentally-corrosive Estabrook Dam:Save the Milwaukee River

Trash in the Estabrook Dam impoundment
Trash in the Estabrook Dam impoundment

The Estabrook Dam is an outdated structure and is bad for the environment. The dam puts homes and businesses in danger of flooding, places an unfair burden of expensive insurance payments on those residents and business owners, and costs too much to maintain. It pollutes the Milwaukee River and damages fish and wildlife habitat.


  1. Those people on the north shore are so slovenly and piggish. Just look at that mess! And they love to put-down the citizens downriver in Milwaukee.

  2. You're right, anon, those northern burbs are full of litter, stinky trash. No wonder they are such big Scott Walker fans. They live in their own disgusting filth and wallow in the mess Walker made of their county and now Wisconsin.
