Monday, May 11, 2015

Fresh example of Walker saying the opposite of what's true

Remember Walker's multiple false claims first set up by misdirection? Like when when he called Act 10 "modest."

So when Walker said his Israel trip would "not be a photo op," he meant, it'll be a photo op:
Great 1st day in Israel yesterday @ Western Wall, Mount of Olives, Church of the Holy Sepulchure & Via Dolorosa
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  1. He's explaining that whole 'lake of fire' thing to those two gentlemen.

  2. Nothing like a taxpayer-funded junket. Milwaukee Journal Sentinel wants us to believe that Scott Walker is now paying for all his travel, but evidently they are not interested in determining if he actually is paying now and has reimbursed the state for past costs.

    Like you say, if Walker says it, it's not true. He isn't paying for all of his taxpayer-funded campaign stunts either, but then again; stealing from taxpayers and widows of Iraq veterans killed in action for his political campaigns is what criminal investigations into Scott Walker are all about.

    So where is the media's follow up on Walker's proclaimations that taxpayers are not funding his political travel?

  3. So is Walker wishing that guy Molotov and explaining how to make homemade incendiary devices?

  4. Anon 2:05

    No, Walker is asking where the bathroom is. Over there, the media doesn't lap up his crap, so he has to use the facilities.

  5. Isn't is "sepulchre"?

  6. Whether or not he is paying his own travel expenses, he is drawing a full time salary and benefits for doing nothing for the people who elected him. Kleefisch is drawing a salary for not taking his place while he travels.

  7. His yarmamulke is missing its propeller...

  8. Joim Cirilli

    No, that's not a beanie hat. Since Walker hasn't found the rest room, he's stashed the load that is usually republished as noooze in Wisconsin under his little hat until he can find the restroom. What the media isn't telling you is that Walker is not on some grand diplomatic or fact-finding mission. Israel leaders know that Scotty is just whoring for a White House run. He is actually just on the tourist circuit, but the media here will proclaim this makes him the most qualified member of the clown car.

  9. Anonymous at May 11, 2015 at 5:30 PM -- Of course Kleefisch isn't taking his place while he's gone. He would lose control if that happened. He can never lose control. It must always be absolute. Salary, shmalary, he doesn't care. He thinks it is owed to him because he has worked so hard at making Wisconsin the best it can be. NOT!!! Snark!!!

  10. As others have pointed out, Kleefisch should be taking Walker-the-traveler's place while he is out of the state. In fact, it's a constitutional requirement that she be the acting governor whenever the governor is out of the state- no mater the duration.

    Sure it would make Walker look bad, but they legally can't have it both ways. Kleefisch should be addressing the many, many issues facing the state, not avoiding her duties.

  11. I hope some of the dems in the legislature validate that these trips were indeed paid by his PAC and not the taxpayer in open records. Us taxpayers would do it but they will charge an arm and a leg.
