Wednesday, May 13, 2015

For the 'affected,' little effect

Walker on Twitter:
 9 hours ago9 hours agoWoke up to terrible news back home, my thoughts and prayers are with those affected by the train derailment in Philadelphia -skw
Though there is nothing about it on his official Governor's Twitter feed. He is sympathetic to "the affected" as a political candidate and important world figure now, but not on our behalf.


  1. And no comment about the Tony Robinson events in Madison?

    I guess it all depends on what your definition of "home" is...

    1. Anon- and it matters which people you care to be talking to, which apparently aren't Wisconsinites these days.

      Wonder if Scotty will use this tragedy to remind us that he turned down that train money which would have repaired and upgraded the current tracks, along with the Madison-MKE-Chicago passenger service. Whaddya mean he won't?

  2. Why does he even care? He does everything he possible can to kill public transportation. He would be the first to cut funding for Amtrak. He wants to do away with all public transportation in favor of everyone driving a car and building more and more roads and highways. You cannot do that in a growing population.

  3. I've been reading bios of some of the victims; of those identified so far two were Jewish (one the twenty-year-old Midshipman; very sad), a fact that was probably noted in Israel, where many residents have ties to the United States, particularly the East Coast, and visa versa. And so Walker's crocodile tears began...

  4. With Walker, we can be grateful that he didn't use this as evidence of his wisdom in killing the train line in Wisconsin. (And how many millions did he cost us then, too?)
