Saturday, May 16, 2015

Chairing his WEDC, Walker blames failings on agency he abolished

Continuing his long streak of never taking responsibility, Walker applies finger-pointing to the failed WEDC he created and has recklessly chaired:
In his first public comments since returning from Israel, Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker on Saturday defended his abrupt call to end the state's annual $19 million loan program for economic development after a stinging audit of the state job agency Walker created four years ago...  
Walker said problems with the state's loan program date back to the Department of Commerce and said shedding it was the best way to move forward. 
By the way, when you hear people like Walker say 'it's time to 'move forward,' that means 'it's better for me if you forget about it.'


  1. Not just Walker, but any Republican. After delaying, ignoring and deflecting from the problems they've caused, their last resort is to turn around and say "Why are you talking about that old news?"

    And to try to claim that the Department of Commerce (who had real criteria and records that were part of their decision-making) is somehow the same as WEDC's write-offs and corruption is pathetic weak sauce.

    And given that Scotty's been in charge for 4 1/2 years, that's not very "Unitimidated' leadership, now is it? Seriously, what kind of deluded dead-ender is sticking with this whining, incompetent fool at this point?

  2. WEDC wanted a $65 million budget. So much more than $19 million went missing. Love how Walker blames an administration of 5 years ago for his failures. And this idiot wants to be POTUS!!

  3. Maybe he will blame it on his last opponent, Mary Burke! It is never his fault...Guess what Scott, the buck stops with you.

  4. It's because Scott Walker IS an incompetent fool that the Kochs want him in the White House. Incompetent fools are much more pliable 'tools'.

  5. Anon 12:51 -- No the buck never stops with Walker. He always has a fall guy or gal to take the blame. Guaranteed! They even go to jail or prison for him.

  6. So, why does he continue to be the chair of a department that is failing so badly. Is it the narcissist in him that just can't let go of the control or what? Isn't the chair of a department supposed to sit in on all meetings? How can he do that when he is not there? And, no one can come back at me this time for saying he is a narcissist because other people are saying it too.

  7. James,

    Wasn't this all predicted back in late 2011? I seem to recall that there were numerous news stories about how these private/public organizations failed in other states before the WEDC was formed in Wisconsin. This type of disaster is the norm with this type of organization. But I could not find anything on a quick web search. Am I wrong about this?
