Tuesday, May 5, 2015

Anti-science WI legislator carried mining companies' water

The Cap Times finds the hand of Hazelhurst GOP State Senator Tom Tiffany directing Scott Walker's budgetary plans to lay off many scientists working at the Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources.

Not surprising, as it was discovered a couple of years ago that Tiffany had agreed in 2011 to team up with Walker's office and the GTac mine lobbying to coordinate and enable the now-cancelled plan to turn the Bad River watershed near Ashland into the hemisphere's largest open-pit iron ore mine.

More, here.

Tiffany also pushed legislation to close forests near the proposed mining zone to the public even though the owners had been receiving a tax break in exchange for the public access, and also pushed failed legislation to make it much harder for local officials to regulate sand mines and prevent damage to water, land, air quality and roads brought about by mining operations.


  1. If God told Scott Walker to build a mine in the Penokee Hills, the we need to build a mine there. Our water will be safe, because God is telling Scott Walker to do it. Our wetlands and wildlife will be fine, because this is God's will and he created everything up there. Native Americans should not be concerned because, even if they don't want to acknowledge that Omni Present and Powerful God telling Scott Walker to do this, it is still God's will. It is an abomination and a sin against Our Lord to not build that mine now. There will be much gnashing of teeth when Our Mighty Lord show vengeance against the people that ruined his plans to mine up there. No one should question whatever Scott Walker says or does because it is always divinely spoken to him from God. It is time to GIVE UP AND GIVE IT TO GOD'S HUMBLE SERVANT, SCOTT WALKER.

  2. Eric Hjertstedt SharpMay 5, 2015 at 5:14 PM

    It's only really satire if you are not anonymous.

  3. Wasn't Tiffany elected even though voters knew where he stood on this stuff? Wasn't he a rep before he was a senator, didn't voters know what they were getting and decide to go for it anyway?

    1. The Taconite money came with his Senate election in 2012, so I don't think the folks up North knew what a scummy crook this guy was.

      That's a winnable seat, and Taconite Tommy certainly should be targeted and hammered at hard by the Dems in 2016

  4. Funny that liberals think that praising Our Lord and His Servants is satire.

    1. I don't consider it satire. It is simple fiction, though.

  5. I think it works as satire because so many politicians, notably Walker and Tiffany, invoke religion to justify everything they do.
