Wednesday, April 29, 2015

WI to set 70 MPH top speed limit, so...

Will legislators arguing Wisconsin should have the same traffic speed laws as its neighbors also make first-time-caught OWI the misdemeanor offense it is in all 49 other states?

Right now, with a few exceptions, first-time-caught OWI is only a ticket.

And I know that policy is made these days in a facts-don-t-matter environment, but will legislators making the ridiculous argument that the boosted speed limit will enable vacationers to spend a few minutes of extra time with the kids take a closer look at a real issue - - the safety implications of letting heavy trucks go faster and take about 100 feet longer to stop?


  1. kewl

    That means I can set the cruise at 80 mph! Maybe these republicans are good for something.

  2. It's hard to believe that they wouldn't keep the trucks at a lower speed like Illinois does. But, they are Republicans and they get what they want since they have the majority. If people don't like it then they need to get out and vote to change it.

  3. About those heavy trucks -- longer to stop? NOT IF YOU GET OUT OF THEIR WAY!

  4. Scotty's tellin' lies again:

    PolitiFact: Is Scott Walker right on his Minnesota comparison?

    Rated FALSE

    Just shameful how the in-state media has promoted this dishonest hack.

  5. Cheap gas, higher speed limits, time to buy an SUV! Look out animals, we're gonna be making fast roadkill.

  6. How fast does Jesus drive?

  7. Anon 2:28
    the SKWalker said Jesus told him He drives His Suburban at exactly 70mph.
