Wednesday, April 22, 2015

Walker salutes Earth Day with 57 layoffs at WI DNR

[Updated] Earth Day in Wisconsin? No mention of Earth Day on Walker's Governor's office website, on official or campaign Twitter sites.

So the Koch brother's-boosted Scott Walker takes note in Wisconsin the only way he knows:
Fifty-seven DNR staff receive layoff notices
Because it will be a lot easier in Wisconsin to fight smokestack emission rules, and green-light tar sand oil pipelines, manure-flushing dairies, lakeshore golf courses, mines in watersheds and subdivisions along lakes and streams when there are fewer DNR scientists around to ask pesky questions and make GOP developers donors fill in nettlesome forms.

That's our state Walker is destroying, Bucky.


  1. Meanwhile Cathy has the audacity to send this. Also, budget panel approved eliminating vacant wildlife positions, in addition to layoffs..... Bastards.

    Celebrating Earth Day, Celebrating Your Work
    Lamers, Holly J - DNR
    on behalf of Stepp, Cathy L - DNR
    Wed 4/22/2015 2:24 PM
    This message is being sent to all staff

    Good afternoon colleagues,

    Earth Day is a celebration of the work that you do throughout your careers to care for our little piece of the earth. Wisconsin has a long legacy of conservation leadership which continues to live on through each and every one of you. Because of your dedication to the natural resources, you carry on the legacies of great Wisconsin conservationists such as: John Muir, Aldo Leopold and Gaylord Nelson.

    Your passion for Wisconsin’s people, land, air, water and forests make this state a premier place to live, work and play in. Thank you for being leaders in conservation and providing above and beyond customer service to our internal and external partners.

    You inspire others to take care of our earth by living out DNR’s mission and I thank you for your part in providing a healthy and sustainable environment today and for generations.

    Have a great day celebrating the 45th anniversary of Earth Day!

  2. Obviously you are missing the point. As we degrade and destroy Wisconsin's environment, there is less-and-less need to environmental scientists. Makes sense to me.

  3. Scientists smchientists. Scott Walker is told directly what to do from GOD! Who is anyone on earth to challenge this. Thank GOD for Scott Walker and his Heavenly guidance and wisdom. Jesus cries every time someone says something bad about Scott Walker.

    Some won't understand that Walker is doing God's work until they publish the NEW NEW Testiment of his life on earth as DOING GOD'S WORK!

  4. Whatever happened to creating jobs and growing the economy. You can't do that by kicking people out of work. That's now 827 people who will soon be out of work in Wisconsin. More and more regression in our once great state. What company would ever want to relocate here seeing that happen.

  5. Creating jobs and growing the economy has NEVER been the intention of Scott Walker and the GOP legislators. One need only review the list of bills and budgets introduced and passed during Walker's tenure to know that's the truth.

    'Creating jobs' was merely a talking point Walker used to get elected.

    'Growing the economy' is another talking point that Walker and the GOP repeat incessantly, hoping that by saying it enough times it will somehow be true. Like saying "it's working", even when it's clearly not.
