Wednesday, April 8, 2015

UW loses two top medical recruits; big bold wins for Walker

How often did we hear that the private sector needed "certainty" to open or expand in Wisconsin? Turns out that top UW medical school faculty recruits decided that Walker's budget cuts made it certain they'd go elsewhere, The Wisconsin State Journal reports.

1 comment:

  1. Judging by the reports I have read, other universities have already begun drawing up their shopping lists for UW-Madison faculty. I have to wonder if Wisconsin Legislators (and Executive Branch personnel) aren't in the employ of Southern universities seeking to obtain talented researchers?

    The typical bellowing GOP response is to "let them leave and we'll hire younger, hungrier faculty to take their place". This, of course (actually it goes without saying), is drawn from the depths of their ignorance about faculty hiring. Faculty hiring of scientific, technical, engineering and medical faculty involve something called "start-up funds". For example, typical start up funding for new chemistry faculty to outfit and remodel laboratory space runs about $1.5-million. Don't want to pay start-up funds, you (GOP) say? Well then be prepared to hire third and fourth tier candidates. But also be prepared to see the UW reputation joining that of UWV, TN, GA and other regional research institutions.
