Monday, April 13, 2015

On his taxpayer-paid European 'trade mission,' Walker...

Is his regular old partisan political self (as he was Saturday, too):
As Secretary of State was the architect of the failed foreign policy we’re seeing executed by President Obama today. -SKW


  1. Walker stated he wouldn't comment on foreign policy or politics on his "trade mission" to France, Germany, and Spain, yet he makes a very political comment on foreign policy. I would think foreign policy questions are fair game now, if his handlers allow the press anywhere near him. Can't have it both ways, SKW.

    1. Hmm, wouldn't foreign policy issues affect trade? You know, if this is a "trade mission"? Sounds like those questions are completely fair game.

      Scotty's bitterness and desperate motor-mouthing is guaranteeing a massive, 450 EV defeat for the GOP if they are stupid enough to nominate this adolescent dope

  2. When SKW grows up, he should be a comedian.

  3. Jake

    This type of boastful proclamation is not helpful. What you cite as character defects are exactly why he has the big bucks behind him, and the millions and millions of dollars matter. We are in the Citizens United era and, until that is changed, folks like Walker start out with a major advantage.

    Than add to the mix that George Walker Bush stole 2 presidential elections!
