Tuesday, April 14, 2015

My April 15 question

So are there any Republicans or righty talk show hosts in Wisconsin who will focus their canned and scheduled Big Government April 15 tax day wailing on the billions and billions of dollars the state has been taking and continues to take under bogus pretenses from taxpayers - - and is further indebting them to pay back - - to reward favored contractors to widen more freeways lanes driven by fewer motorists?

$6.4 billion was pledged to add 127 miles of new lanes just to the so-called freeway system in SE Wisconsin, with more millions and billions aimed at I-39/90, State Highway 41, the Waukesha Bypass - - but with only occasional pennies tossed to a transit line here and there, etc.

Let me know...


  1. Also curious to see if they'll mention the $1 mil + wasted to fight against marriage equality, the time and effort wasted to arrest the Solidarity Singers at the Capitol (with no convictions to follow), and (mo)Ron Johnson's frivolous lawsuit against Obamacare that got laughed out of federal court again yesterday.

    And they definitely won't mention the WEDC slush fund that has kicked back tens of millions of dollars with no real job growth to show from it.

  2. Exactly Jake formerly of the LP.

    It's too bad they don't keep track of all the wasted millions that could have kept the IRIS program going along with returning funding to schools. But, so long as those millions are helping them fight for or against their ideological beliefs, it is money well spent according to them.

  3. What--no anti-tax protests at the Capitol today? What happened? Those protests have been going on for years....
