Saturday, April 11, 2015

Jet-lagged Walker still politicking on non-political trip

Our sleep-deprived, Presidentially-obsessed traveling Governor can't kick the habit and goes all ungrammatical from Europe, via Twitter:
  1. . Standing up for democracy and human rights in Latin American isn't meddling, it's good policy. - TW


  1. Odd tweet coming from Wisconsin's top FASCIST.

  2. I like Anon 1:25 comment.

  3. How about some human rights for Wisconsinites Scooter!

  4. Quibble: "... goes all ungrammatical...." suggests that at some prior time he was grammatical, for which suggestion there is no evidence.

    Absent that, he can't have "gone" from anywhere to his current ungrammatical state; it would be better to say he "remains all ungrammatical".

  5. He's always mixing up Cuba City with Cuba the Country. One he cares about, the other one he says can go to hell. Sorry, Cuba City! That's what you get for being in Wisconsin!

  6. TW denote Team Walker tweeted this so I guess you blame the most unpopular intern.

  7. What's the last time the US supported democracy or human rights in Latin America? All I can think of are the hundreds of US-sponsored right-wing military coups....
