Friday, April 24, 2015

After layoff notices, DNR's Stepp motivates, leads with buzz words

As Walker and his "chamber-of-commerce mentality" corporate management team hollow-out and diminish the once-proud science-based Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources, the staff not on the Earth Day layoff list of 57 no doubt will be reassured and re-energized by the ultra-bureaucratic word salad served by Department Secretary Cathy Stepp in this all-staff Friday "accomplish mission" email missive.

This graf sums it up:

Regarding the comments circulating regarding reorganizing. As part of the position reductions and assessment of our business needs we have to consider how best to accomplish mission, when budgets and staffing changes occur. There is nothing to report at this time, however as the budget moves forward and we get some additional certainty, we will be engaging management teams to assist in our efforts.
The full email:

DNR Staff,
I wanted to share a brief budget update. As we shared with you back in January, prior to any budget discussions, this is a long, rollercoaster ride. The very next week, in early February, we got to see the first chapter, and as we’ve gotten clarity, we’ve taken actions along the way to make sure we are ready to address the proposed changes. That included the need to provide “at risk” notices to a number of employees this week. More information will be coming next week once affected staff members have been notified.
This week the JFC started their important work. As you have seen, the media is providing motion by motion coverage of this dynamic process.   Please know that your leadership team is engaged and as involved as possible in this process.  In fact, Cathy and Mike personally attended the JFC Executive Session, yesterday.  As most of you now know, the department was asked to work at balancing the fish and wildlife account and to eliminate some additional vacancies in the second year of the 2015-2017 State Budget.  As we did with the first round of proposed reductions we will work as a leadership team in the One DNR spirit to develop a plan to deliver our core services and we will continue to achieve our mission.
There will be many more motions and amendments before this budget is completed. Please know that your Secretary Office and Administrators are working tirelessly to stay on top of these changes, plan for the future and where we are able, and most importantly inform the decisions that are being made.
Regarding the comments circulating regarding reorganizing. As part of the position reductions and assessment of our business needs we have to consider how best to accomplish mission, when budgets and staffing changes occur. There is nothing to report at this time, however as the budget moves forward and we get some additional certainty, we will be engaging management teams to assist in our efforts.
We won’t be providing updates for every motion or action over the next month. The final budget is what will determine our ultimate direction. However, given the transition to a new chapter in the budget process, we thought it would be helpful to give you an update, and to let you know we are staying on top of these changes…so you can focus on doing the excellent work that our customers and citizens have come to expect.
We are committed to service excellence.

Cathy Stepp
Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources
101 S Webster Street
Madison, WI 53703
Phone: (608) 267-7556  

1 comment:

  1. At least she didn't address us as "colleagues" this time.
