Friday, March 27, 2015

Note to WI Legislators, Walker...

This is among the many reasons smart policy-makers support science, research and existing faculty relationships at the UW system:
Group led by UW scientist develops whole virus Ebola vaccine


  1. So, what happens to this type of research with the huge cuts to UW?

  2. It gets shelved. Who benefits from an Ebola vaccine? Africa? Americans who travel or volunteer in Africa? Do you think Scott Walker cares about anything other than his own political aspirations?

  3. Of course, this sort of research gets shelved. It reeks -- to quote ye olde Wisconsin Idea mission statement for the UW -- of the "search for truth." It decidedly does not -- to quote Walker's Nu Wisconsin Idea -- "serve the state's workforce needs." After all, how many Ebola-ridden monkeys are there in Wisconsin's workforce?

    1. Well, most humans have either moved out of state or are planning to in the near future. You would think Scat would care more about the monkeys he'll have to train for the 47 jobs in Wisconsin (37 of them at McDonald's).
