Wednesday, March 18, 2015

More golf course developers/Walker donors looking for state favors


Here comes the next round of favors to be shaken out of the Wisconsin taxpayers piggy bank by golf course developers who are also Walker donors.

Who will hole out first - - the Chicagoan who wants to build in Adams County, or the Kohler project south of Sheboygan along Lake Michigan which needs a chunk of state park land, plus some DNR permits?


  1. With grifter Scott Walker, both can be WINNERS as long as they give mightily to his presidential campaign.

  2. It is my understanding that the locals want these golf courses near Rome to stem the growth of CAFOs and irrigated agriculture now replacing plantation pine crops. I guess if it were me, I would rather have the golf courses than millions of gallons of manure. I think the idea is to build a tourism industry rather than Ag and Dairy. I can see casinos and water parks up there. The only thing I don't understand is what will take the place of golf in the winter. I think we may see a private game farm on that 1500 acres. Members are paying $50,000 for golfing but maybe they are going to get more. Does this warrant a TIF or TID? These are very rich developing this.
