Thursday, March 26, 2015

Growing GOP rebellion vs. Walker back home

GOP legislators have in recent days signaled opposition to Walker's budget plans sprung on an unsuspecting public that would freeze the state's popular land stewardship acquisition program, upend people in state-supported home care, and remake a down-sized, dumbed-down UW System.

As he drifts away from Wisconsin needs and history chasing absolute power nationally, Walker is more and more like that bad roommate who said he really, really wanted to move with you, then bolted for nicer digs and left behind his dirty dishes, a cable contract bill he put in your name and not a dime for rent due.


  1. They (the GOP legislators) realize that once Wanker's gone they'll be left with the mess and the blame and a state full of angry citizens....

    1. Exactly. They have to deal with the angry people and try to get elected by them again, why Scotty says "SEE YA, SUCKERS!"

      The problem is- where do they find the money to keep Senior Care as-is and restore funding to the UW System and K-12 schools? The revenues aren't there.

  2. Wanker will pull a Palin and quit midterm. That's what happened to Palin. Too much opposition within the party to cleaning up her constant messes. She had a supermajority and was neutered in 2009 by the leg.

  3. Maybe it's time to reinstate some of the taxes that they all but eliminated for manufacturing, business and agriculture. It is very wrong that by 2016 many of these will be paying nearly no state income taxes or at least less than a full time minimum wage worker. The Republican legislators have to be nervous as Walker's budget kills much of what is valued by many Wisconsinites and it was dropped on them and agency heads like another bomb with no consultation nor warning. They are left holding the bag for a continuing economic decline, jobs paying low wages and a damaged environment and education being cut to the bone. Perhaps worse is they have no answers nor hope for an improving future.

  4. They do not care. They don't care how many angry constituents there are. They are bought and paid for and operate just like Walker. They treat constituents like garbage - just watch crazy Mary Laszich rant during town halls. She is absolutely out of control! What I think is spectacular is seeing the Tea Party lynch mob try to track down Walker after Kleefleish becomes Governor after Walker's resignation. She is not intelligent and her hubby is a massive liability. What a mess the WISGOP has made! WI is going down fast and all of the WI conservatives who voted these thieves in should be held just as accountable. I'd love a list outing each one of them, and names of their businesses so they could be boycotted. Let them know how vunerable true the vote recall blacklist made us feel.
